Machinery Detail

Roller Pan Mixer Machine

Pan Mixer (Double Roller Type)

The Roller Pan Mixer Machine with a Double Roller Type design offers high-efficiency mixing for concrete, fly ash, and other construction materials. This machine ensures a uniform and thorough mix, which is crucial for producing durable and high-quality blocks. With its advanced roller system, it reduces mixing time and energy consumption while improving productivity. Ideal for large-scale manufacturing, it ensures consistency and reliability in every batch.

Upgrade to a Roller Pan Mixer Machine | Double Roller Type for superior mixing power and high performance.

✅ Efficient & Fast Mixing | ✅ Durable & Reliable | ✅ Cost-Effective


Machine Type Pan Mixer 500kg (Double Roller Type)
Capacity UPTO 500KG
Drum Size Ø72" X H 16"
Motor 10HP (3 Phase)
Feeding & Discharge Manual
Oil Capacity 15 liters
Oil Grade 90


  • Machine Type - Pan Mixer 500kg (Double Roller Type)
  • Capacity - UPTO 400KG
  • Drum Size - Ø72" X H 16"
  • Motor - 10HP (3 Phase)
  • Feeding & Discharge - Manual
  • Oil Capacity - 15 liters
  • Oil Grade - 90


  • High Mixing Efficiency
  • Consistent Quality
  • Reduced Mixing Time
  • Versatility
  • Low maintenance

Delivering Results with Solid Dependability